[ IMPRESSUM (c) 2003 - 2024 ]
The WEBLOG informs especially about Interoperability, Sustainability and Usability issues in connection with the implementation of Directives 2003/98/EC ( PSI = Public Sector Information re-use ) and 2007/2/EC ( INSPIRE = INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe ) across borders in EUROPE of REGIONS.
WEBLOG Contents have been updated last: 07.11.2023
WEBLOG News Readings are to be updated: daily
Copyright (c) 2003-2024 by [ FH ], All rights reserved !
[ WEBLOG Reading... updated daily! ]
Ministr Hladík: Obce v krasových oblastech mohou chystat projekty na účinnější čištění odpadních vod - Jsou krásné, ale také velmi citlivé. Ekosystémy v krasových oblastech pomůže ochránit nová dotační výzva zaměřená na lepší nakládání s odpadními vodami. Mi...1 day ago
Bentley erwirbt Cesium - Bentley Systems, der Anbieter von Software für CAD und Infrastruktur-Engineering, hat die Übernahme des 3D-Geospatial-Unternehmens Cesium bekannt gegeben...3 months ago
Vitako: Neues Führungsduo - Die Bundes-Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kommunalen IT-Dienstleister, Vitako, bekommt ein neues Führungsduo: Lars Hoppmann wird ab dem 1. Oktober als geschäftsfü...4 months ago
OGC Membership approves OGC API – Maps – Part 1: Core as an official OGC Standard - OGC API – Maps supports the ability to generate maps by combining and rendering data from one or more servers into a single view, ensuring fast and effic...4 months ago
5th Living-in.eu plenary meeting - The 5th Living-in.eu plenary meeting with signatories took place on the 23rd of April and focused on How Local Digital Twins can contribute to the European...3 years ago
Germany's last MapDesignArtist - KARTOGRAPH DR. ROLF BÖHM Deutschlands letzter Landkartenmaler https://www.bild.de/regional/dresden/dresden-aktuell/kartograph-dr-rolf-boehm-deutschlands-l...5 years ago
Thursday, 15 November 2007
[ GDI-SN-Weblog - ClustrMapsAccess ]
[ GI2015 - 15. Sächsisches GI/GIS/GDI-Forum PROCEEDINGS & PRESENTATIONS ]
- GI2015 - PROCEEDINGS & WEB Resources (3 MB)
- GI2015 - HOFFMANN - IGN: Introduction (9 MB)
- GI2015 - CHARVAT - COO: ICT for Agriculture (1 MB)
- GI2015 - MAYER - COO: Agriculture status (12 MB)
- GI2015 - KARAS - UPVISION: UAS Technology (10 MB)
- GI2015 - HLADIKOVA - CENIA: Copernicus (2,5 MB)
- GI2015 - FIORE - EURISY: GI+LBS Data (106 MB !)
[ GI2014 - 14. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - PROCEEDINGS & PRESENTATIONS ]
- GI2014 - CHARVAT & Mayer - The EU Project FOODIE
- GI2014 - CHARVAT & Mildorf - EU Projects Plan4all & Plan4business - The Future of European Planning Data
- GI2014 - FAUGNEROVA - INSPIRE Business&Strategy
- GI2014 - FRYML & Team - Czesko Jede Portal
- GI2014 - FURDIK & MECIAR - Danube Brownfields
- GI2014 - FURDIK.J & Team - Danube Riverbanks
- GI2014 - HOFFMANN - Open GDM Forum Introduction
- GI2014 - KOZUCH - PLAN4all: Map Composition
- GI2014 - MAYER - The Club of Oissach
- GI2014 - SCHILLER - Integrierte Daten - BIM
- GI2014 - SREDL & Team - The LAYMAN Tool
- GI2014 - VOHNOUT & Team - EU Project ERRA
- GI2014 - ZSCHEILE - Lizensierung OpenData
[ ODM Links => 14. Sächsisches GIS-Forum ]
- 15.12.2013 - GI2014 Forum (Intern Concept Paper)
- 25.11.2013 - Workshop on PSI Re-Use Directive (2013/37/EU)
- 15.11.2013 - CHRISTL Three Decades of Openness in Geospatial
- 26.06.2013 - New PSI Re-Use Directive (2013/37/EU)
- 18.06.2013 - G8 OpenDataCharter
- 09.05.2013 - US Executive Order on OpenDataPolicy
- 07.02.2013 - Open Letter of German OpenDataCommunity
- 18.05.2012 - GI2012 OpenDataPolicies Proceedings
- 30.09.2010 - New UK Open Government Licence
- 17.11.2003 - PSI Re-Use Directive (2003/98/EC)
[ GI2013 ] - DRESDEN - 13. "Sächsisches GI/GIS/GDI-Forum" - SAXONY
- GI2013 - ANDREOPOULOS & KAZAKIS - SustainableFuture
- GI2013 - BEHR - UNOrg+GeoData
- GI2013 - BUONO - SeismicGeoSDI
- GI2013 - CHARVAT & Team - AgriXchange
- GI2013 - CHARVAT & Team - Apps4Europe
- GI2013 - DECEWICZ - SpatialPlanning
- GI2013 - FURDIK & Team - SustainabilityAnalysis
- GI2013 - FURDIK & Team - SunlightRays
- GI2013 - HERLITZIUS & GRIMSEL - AgroSystemTechnik
- GI2013 - HOFFMANN - Welcome+Introduction
- GI2013 - HOFFMANN - XborderGDI+Sustainability
- GI2013 - ILIEV & NIKOLOVA - AerospaceTTO
- GI2013 - JANECKA & Team - Terezin3D
- GI2013 - KAFKA & Team - INSPIREinPocket
- GI2013 - LÖWNER - Geodata+Transportation
- GI2013 - MAYER - Agri+Forestry
- GI2013 - MILDORF & Team - Plan4Business
- GI2013 - MILDORF & Team - ERRA
- GI2013 - PÄTZUG & RAUSCHERT - Logistics
- GI2013 - SCHAAFSMA & SCHAAIK - Criminality
- GI2013 - VOHNOUT & Team - EnviroGRIDS
[ GI2013 - FORUM - DRESDEN: 29./30. April ]
- [ GI2013 ] - Presentations @ SLIDESHARE
- IGN-Vorstand @ "Powered by INSPIRE" KONFERENZ (Brussel, 4./5.March 2013)
- 4th European Civil Protection Forum - Brussels, 15-16 May 2013
- Spatial and Social Aspects of Disaster Management 22-23 May 2013 in Budapest
- [ 2013 ] - BBK: LÜKEX (Länder übergreifendes Krisenmanagement)
- [ GI2012 ] - OpenDataPolicies - PROCEEDINGS (PDF/9.5MB)
- [ GI2012 ] - ODP-Presentations-INTRO (PPT/6.9MB)
- [ 2011 ] - VIDEO on the GMES/COPERNICUS Emergency Management SERVICE ]
[ 2013 ] - The Year of European Citizens !!!
- 2013 = 13 YEARS "Sächsisches GI/GIS/GDI-FORUM" ! ( DRESDEN: 29./30.04.2013 )
- ISDE 2013 ( Malaysia: 26.-29.08.2013 )
- ICC2013-CARTO-Congress # Virtual Flight over (Dresden: 22.08.-01.09.2013 )
- eGOV-Kongress ( Leipzig: 04.-05.06.2013 )
- REAL CORP 2013 ( Rome: 20.-22.05.2013 )
- Open-GOV-Data ( Berlin: 16.05.2013 )
- AGILE-Conference ( Leuven: 14.-17.05.2013 )
- Geospatial World Forum ( Rotterdam: 13.-16.05.2013 )
- EUROGEO-Conference ( Bruges: 08.-11.05.2013 )
- ISCRAM 2013 ( Baden-Baden: 12.-15.05.2013 )
- GEO-Forum-MV (HRO-Warnemünde: 15./16.04.2013)
- EUROGI-Conference ( Dublin: 07.-08.03.2013 )
- ePSIplatform Conference 2013 (Warszawa:22.02.2013)
- GISOVA2013 ( TU-Ostrava: 21.-23.01.2013 )
[ ICA # ACI ] - ICC2013 - Dresden/Saxony, 25.-30.08.2013
[ Aktualisierung Geodaten-Zugangs-Gesetz ]
- 2012/08/01 - STUDIE "Open Government Data Deutschland" (see posting below!)
- 2012/07/02 - ENTSCHEIDUNG zum GeoZG im Bundestag (c) Info by VDV-Online
- 2012/06/29 - DECISION on GeoZG change in German 'Bundestag'
- 2012/06/26 - DISCUSSION of GeoZG change in 'Bundestag'
- 2012/05/18 - PROPOSAL for GeoZG change in 'Bundestag'
*** DRESDEN - Saxony - GERMANY ***
12. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2012-OpenDataPolicies (DRESDEN:18./19.05.2012)
!!! [ GI2012-OpenDataPolicies-PROCEEDINGS ] !!!
!!! ( PRESENTATIONS of the GI2012-OpenData-Policies-FORUM - see below) !!!
[ GI2012 - OpenDataPolicies - Presentations ]
- GI2012 - Keynote: HOFFMANN, Vorstand-IGN (Introduction to PSI + OpenDataPolicies)
- GI2012 - Keynote: CHRISTL, President-OSGeo (INSPIRE+Mythos+Reality)
- GI2012 - Keynote: MAYER, CEO-PROGIS-AT (WinGIS+30cmOrthoIMAGES) *not public !*
- GI2012 - Keynote: TRAKAS, Director OGC/EUS (OGC+Standards+Process)
- GI2012 - BARTOLI (SnowAvalancheSDI+Annex3)
- GI2012 - BARTOLI (Introduction to OpenGeoSuite)
- GI2012 - BUONO (CNR+geoSDI+Platform)
- GI2012 - CAJTHAML (CadastralDataQuality)
- GI2012 - CHARVAT (OpenAccess to AgriData)
- GI2012 - FAUGNEROVA+Team (INSPIRE+Geoportal2.0)
- GI2012 - HOFFMANN (Data-Needs+NGIS?)
- GI2012 - HOFFMANN (OpenData vs. DataProtection)
- GI2012 - PÄTZUG (OpenData+Logistics)
- GI2012 - PATERNO (OpenData+OpenSociety)
- GI2012 - PEKAREK (LIBER+Europeana+EUNPP)
- GI2012 - POPIOLEK (Breitbandatlas-DE+EU)
- GI2012 - SREDL+Team (INSPIRE+Implementation+OWS)
[ Public Sector Information (PSI) ]
- ACCESS the ePSIplus Network’s NEWS
- 2012/06/25 - GeoZG - Bundestag (Die Bedeutung von Open-Data für die Zukunft)
- 2012/06/19 - W3C - Report (Workshop on Open Data)
- 2012/06/01 - US - eGOV-Strategy (Barack Obama Directs All Federal Agencies to Have an API)
- 2012/06/01 - NO - The Norwegian Open Data Handbook
- 2012/05/30 - DE - BODDy (Berlin OpenData Day)
- 2012/05/29 - EC - PEER - Open Access - a reality for Science (N. KROES - VicePresident of the EC for DigitalAgenda2020)
- 2012/05/27 - eGOV - Streit um die Geodaten des Bundes (Geodaten für alle kostenlos – „Big Brother“ oder Transparenz?)
- 2012/05/25 - DE - Bundestag - DISKUSSION (GeoDatenZugangsGesetz - Änderungsantrag)
- 2012/05/24 - DE - Bundestag - VIDEO (GeoDatenZugangsGesetz - 1. Lesung)
- 2012/05/19 - GI2012 - A. CHRISTL, OSGeo: INSPIRE - Mythos & Reality, (KEYNOTE @ 12. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, DRESDEN: 18./19.05.2012, PROCEEDINGS: pp. 30-33)
- 2012/05/18 - DE - Bundesregierung - ÄNDERUNGSANTRAG (GeoDatenZugangsGesetz-ENTWURF)
- 2012/05/18 - GI2012 - F. HOFFMANN & K.CHARVAT: GeoINSPIRE'd X-border-OpenDataPolicies for Digital Europe 2020 (12. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, DRESDEN: 18./19.05.2012, PROCEEDINGS: pp. 11-14)
- 2012/05/15 The DIGITAL AGENDA in the Light of Geoinformation (N. KROES - VicePresident of the EC for DigitalAgenda2020)
- 2012/03/16 - PSI - Conference (The ePSIplatform PANEL discussion on the revised PSI Directive - 57 min VIDEO)
- 2012/03/16 - PSI - Conference PROCEEDINGS & Presentations (The ePSIplatform Conference 2012 took place on 16 March 2012, in Rotterdam)
- 2012/03/02 - DE - Bundestag - BGeoRG (BundesGeoReferenzdatenGesetz)
- 2012/02/26 - eGOV - WKBlog (E-GOV in der Trutzburg: das Rheingold?)
- 2011/12/13 - EU - OpenAccess to Public DATA
- 2011/12/12 - PSI - Open Data Strategy
- 2011/12/12 - EC - OpenDATA - COM(2011)882
- 2011/12/07 - EU - Datenschutzverordnung (REDING: Gegen den unkontrollierten Datenstrom)
- 2011/10/06 - EC - Kohäsionspolitik der Zukunft (2014-2020)
- 2011/09/23 - DE - BGeoRG - NEWSTICKER (Bundesrat gegen Bundesgeoreferenzdatengesetz)
- 2011/09/23 - DE - Bundesrat - ABLEHNUNG (BundesGeoReferenzDatenGesetz)
- 2011/08/30 - eGOV - Standards für Europa (Verloren im Zuständigkeitsgerangel zwischen Brüssel und Berlin)
- 2011/06/18 - DE - Bundesregierung - BGeoRDG (BundesGeoReferenzDatenGesetz)
- 2011/04/27 - US - eGOV - Executive Order 13571
- 2011/03/04 - eGOV - Geoinformation à la BMI (Das verstreute Wissen der Gesellschaft nutzen)
- 2011/01/11 - eGOV - Regierungsprogramm „Vernetzte und transparente Verwaltung“
- 2010/09/20 - DE - "GeoDatenGipfel" (Innenminister setzt bei Geodaten zunächst auf Selbstregulierung)
- 2010/08/18 - DE - Bundesregierung (Regierungsprogramm "Vernetzte und transparente Verwaltung")
- 2010/05/14 - UK - Chris CORBIN: Public Sector Information (PSI-Directive - One year on - Has Europe delivered?)
- 2009/02/14 - GeoZG - Kommentar (GeodatenZugangsGesetz tritt in Kraft)
- 2008/11/13 - DE - Bundestag - GeoZG (GeodatenZugangsGesetz)
- 2007/03/14 - INSPIRE - Directive 2007/2/EC (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community)
- 2006/08/25 - DE - Bundestag - PSI ("InformationsWeiterverwendungsGesetz"-ENTWURF)
- 2003/11/17 - PSI - Directive 2003/98/EC (PublicSectorInformation)
- PSI - News
- PSI - OpenDataPortal
- PSI - Data Visualization TOOLS
- PSI - Digital Agenda on OpenGOV Data "Gold"
- PSI - European Open Data Strategy Announced !
- PSI - Themes (European Public Sector Information Platform)
- PSI - Digital Agenda for Europe 2010-2020
- PSI-Q results from GEO-Forum-LEIPZIG
- PSI-Q results from DDGI-Ausbildung POTSDAM
- PSI-Q results from GI2008-Symposium-DRESDEN
[ Top-News (c) HeiseOnline ]
[ GeoSDI - Lectures © by CNR, 2011-2012 ]
- GEOPORTAL Lectures (c) by D.D. BUONO - CNR (Protezione Civile Nazionale - Ver 1.4 Build 1708 - powered by CNR)
- [ INFO ]
- 00. Creating a geoportal account
- 01. Using base maps
- 02. Creating folders to connect WMS data
- 03. Selecting WMS server & layers
- 04. Changing WMS layer properties
- 05. Looking for address
- 06. Defining an area of interest
- 07. Looking for areas of interest
- 08. Creating a scenario
- 09. Modifying geographic elements
- 10. Calculating routes
[ NATURNET_Application+Portal_VIDEOS ]
[ GDI-SN-ARCHIV - Sächsisches GIS-Forum @IGN e.V. ]
- 12. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2012 (PROCEEDINGS of the 12th GIS-Forum on Open Data Policies) +++ Presentations at [http://de.slideshare.net/IGN_Vorstand/presentations] + [http://de.slideshare.net/IGN_Vorstand/gi2012-hoffmannaddress-intro]
- 11. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2011 (PROCEEDINGS of the eleventh cross-border Spatial and GeoData Infrastructure Symposium in Saxony/Germany) - [http://slidesha.re/mLsGEN]
- 10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2010 (The GI2010 cross border symposium 2010 – Sustainability of Inter-Regional Collaboration was held at the Technical University DRESDEN – ZINT – AgroCampus on the 14th and 15th May 2010. )
- 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2009 (Programme, Abstracts, Posters, Press releases, GI documents and Resource links, Summaries)
- 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2008 (Program & Proceedings of Abstracts, Summaries, Posters and other PSI, INSPIRE & GDI-DE Document Links)
- 7. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - NaturNet-GI2007 (NationalParkZentrum, 5.10.2007 - Bad Schandau - NATURNET-Dissemination-Programm.pdf)
- X-border-GI2007-Symposium-PRESENTATIONS - DRESDEN (by Chris CORBIN, UK): The X-border-GI2007-Symposium that was held in Dresden on the 10th & 11th May 2007 has published the papers and presentations. The presentations demonstrate the issues that arise when providing applications that serve cross-border regions. The Czech Statistical Office presentation is a good case study on how a Czech Public Sector Information Holder has responded to the implementation of the PSI Directive 2003/98/EC. The presentations also highlight the role of the private sector, academia as well as the public sector in cross border regions such as that in the Czech Republic, German, and Polish border region.
- [ X-GI2007-Final-Programm ] - Last Update: 08.05.2007
- 6. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Dresden: 10./11. Mai 2007 (X_border_GI2007_Pre_INFO.pdf with further information about accomodation, social program etc.)
- 5. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2006 (X-border-GDI)
- 4. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2005 (X-INTERREG)
- 3. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2004 (X-Emergency)
- 2. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2003 (Comtec2003)
- 1. Sächsisches GIS-Forum - GI2002 (Comtec2002)
[ Location of IGN e.V. @ GoogleMAP ]
IGN e.V. auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
[ GI2015 ] +++ 15. "Sächsisches GI/GIS/GDI-Forum" in DRESDEN +++
"15. Saxon GI/GIS/SDI Forum" - GI2015 - Workshop (c) by IGN e.V.
"Open GeoData Management for Agriculture & Forestry"
Dresden, 15. September 2015
[ http://GDI-SN.blogspot.com ]
Contact: [ info@GDI-SN.de ]
15.09.2015 - CoO & GI2015 - Workshops on Open GeoData Management
UAV Technologies and Open Data for Precision Farming & Precision Forestry issues
COPERNICUS Program and SENTINEL Technologies for Agriculture and Forestry
INNOVATION and Technology transfer for International cross-border cooperation
MAPPING Technologies for Land use, Land cover and Rural Development
OPEN GEODATA Management for Environmental and Emergency
[ GI2015 - PROCEEDINGS - PDF, 3 MB ]
[ G-MAP ]
GPS [ 51°01’15.52″N ; 13°43’44.78″E ]
ISAF2015 @ TU-Dresden-AgriCAMPUS (ZINT)
Hotel Empfehlungen / Hotel recommendations / Pекомендации отеля
[ Booking.com Dresden ]
[ Hotels Dresden ]
[ ISAF2015 ] +++ 19. International Conference in DRESDEN +++
[ ISAF2015 ]
"19. International Conference ISAF2015" (c) organized by CCSS, Praha (CZ)
DRESDEN, 14. September - 15. September 2015
[ http://www.ClubOfOssiach.com/coo/visionandmission.html ]
Archive: [ http://ISAF2014.info/ ]
Contact: [ info@ISAF2015.info ]
[ ISAF2015 ] +++ 19. International Conference in DRESDEN +++
[ ISAF2015 ] +++ 19. International Conference in DRESDEN +++
[ GI2011-X-border-SDI/GDI-Symposium ]
* 23.5.2011 Bad Schandau (SAX) # 24.5.2011 Decin (CZE)
"GeoINSPIRE’d X-border-SDI/GDI for Digital Europe 2020"
Sustainability of Inter-regional Collaboration
* [ PROCEEDINGS of GI2011-X-border-SDI ]
*** !!! PRESENTATIONS of GI2011-X-border-SDI
*** !!! stored on SLIDESHARE & are accessible via
*** !!! Social Networks instead of traditional GI20xx
*** !!! presentations of last years on ePSIplatform ...
* [ ESDIN ] video-webcast (c) by A. CHRISTL, OSGeo (DE)
* [ PLAN4ALL ] snap-shot of T. MILDORF, UniWB (CZ)
* [ PLAN4ALL ] video-clip taken by (c) R.J. LACH (PL)
*** !!! inter-linked GI2011 presentations:
GI2011+proceedings v5 final
AEBR Ramirez ppt_gi2011
Charvat+Vohnout ppt gi2011 enviro
GI2011 poster sk stuba border
GI2011 poster sk stuba danube
Lach ppt gi2011
Mirbach+Lang ppt gi2011
Roehnert+Team ppt gi2011
Schrenk+Team ppt gi2011
Stern ppt gi2011
Thevenet ppt gi2011
Vohnout ppt gi2011 geoportal4everybody
GI2011-X-border-SDI/GDI-Symposium with inter-regional participation from European Border Regions (EBR) !
11. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, Bad Schandau (SAX), 23.05.2011
& 1. Bohemia # Saxonia GIS-Forum, Decin (CZE), 24.05.2011
+++ 33 Presentations had been selected from:
+++ AT, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IT, LV, OSGeo, PL, SK, ... !
All logistic, social, cultural and touristic weblinks have been re-located into weblog message of today, 28.5.2011, and stored into IGN's weblog postings ARCHIVE !
[ GI2010 - 10. Sächsisches GIS-Forum ]
The PRESENTATIONS of the Anniversary
10th International "Sächsisches GIS-Forum"
[ GI2010-Symposium-Poster-DRESDEN ]
"Sustainability of X-border & Inter-regional Collaboration"
[ GI2010_Proceedings_FINAL_WEB-Version ]
have been published @ European PSI platform !
+ [ HERLITZIUS - Welcome@AST ] DE-TU-Dresden
KEYNOTE speakers:
+ [ HOFFMANN ] DE-Dresden-IGN e.V.
+ [ CORBIN ] UK-Brighton-ePSIplatform
+ [ BELOF ] PL-Wroclaw-WBU
+ [ LONGHORN ] BE-Brussel-IDRA-Ltd.
+ [ MAYER ] AT-Villach-PROGIS-GmbH
13. Mai 2010 / GI2010-Pre-Symposium-Authors-Meeting
14. Mai 2010 / 08:30 - 18:30 / GI2010-SYMPOSIUM
Sessions: GI2010, INNOVATIONS, X-border-GDI, NETWORKS
+ [ Mayer-Leixner ] NTR-Software GmbH, Heidesheim
+ [ BLACHOWSLI et al. ] PL-Wroclaw-WBU
+ [ FENCIK ] SK-Bratislava-SAGI&STUBA
+ [ BAUMANN-1 ] BayernGIS GmbH, Kolbermoor GmbH
+ [ MECHA et al. ] PL-Katowice-GISPOL/GEOBID GmbH
+ [ MILDORF et al. ] CZ-Plzen-WBUNI
+ [ JANECKA et al. ] CZ-Plzen-WBUNI
+ [ KUBICEK et al. ] CZ-Brno-MUNI
+ [ STARK ] CH-Muttenz-FHNW (TELE-Lecture)
+ [ LINGNER ] OSM-Consultant-Potsdam
+ [ KOSKOVA et al. ] CZ-Liberec-KULK
+ [ MODRY ] CZ-Liberec-KULK
+ [ KLOSA et al. ] OSM-Dresden
+ [ BAUMANN-2 ] BayernGIS GmbH, Kolbermoor
+ [ POPIOLEK ] LiveMap GmbH, Berlin
+ [ KLIMENT ] SK-Bratislava-STUBA (TELE-Lecture)
Workshops: Introductions / Kurzeinführungen
+ [ BAUMANN-WS ] BayernGIS GmbH, Kolbermoor
++ [ MAYER-LEIXNER ] NTR-Software GmbH, Heidesheim
+++ [ NACHTIGALL ] ARCHIKART-Software AG, Lauchhammer
++++ [ LEHRACH ] GIS-Konzept, Leipzig & CAIGOS GmbH, Kirkl
15. Mai 2010 / 08:30 - 11:30 / GI2010-Post-Workshops
WS 1 - INSPIRE "Readiness-Check-List"
Vorbereitungstest für Kommunen & Landkreise
+ [ LONGHORN-1.1 ] - BE - Brussel, IDRA Ltd.
++ [ LONGHORN-1.2 ]
+++ [ LONGHORN-1.3 ]
WS 2 Kommunal & Regional GIS/GDI
Strategien für Kommunen & Landkreise
+ [ BAUMANN ] - BayernGIS GmbH, Kolbermoor
++ [ MAYER-LEIXNER ] - NTR-Software GmbH, Heidesheim
+++ [ NACHTIGALL ] - Archikart Software AG, Lauchhammer
++++ [ LEHRACH ] - GIS-Konzept GmbH, Leipzig
WS3 Agrarbetrieb der Zukunft - Farm of the Future -
The Vision for Tomorrow
+ [ CHARVAT ] - CZ - Praha, CCSS NGO
++ [ MAYER ] - AT - Villach, PROGIS GmbH
POSTER-Exhibition by STUBA (SK)
+ [ Selected MobEx Posters.jpg ]
MobEX project lead by Dr. J. FURDIK,
Slovak Technical University Bratislava (FA-CADLAB),
has been funded by International Visegrad Fund
+ [ MobEX-Gallery-PROJECT ]
+ [ SK01 ] + [ SK02 ] + [ SK03 ]
+ [ CZ04 ] + [ CZ07 ]
+ [ HU04 ] + [ HU08 ]
+ [ PL01 ] + [ PL02 ]
For Poster abstracts see PROCEEDINGS !
[ GI2009 - 9. Sächsisches GIS-Forum ]
with international participation from
AT, BE, CN, CZ, DE.bb.nrw.sn, HU, PL, ... SK, UK
Status as per: 09.05.2009 !
WEBLOG-Version-20090515, ca. 250 KB
Supporting organizations: "1spatial", "BusinessGeomatics", BOWGIS @FAA, CAGI, CCSS, ESPON @EC-Unit-Luxembourg, "interface:projects" GmbH Dresden, "PROGIS" Software GmbH Villach (AT), RegioGOV-LDD, RegioGOV-KULK (CZ), "NaturNet", AST@TUD, GeoNRW, GeoSN, ...
( GI2009 has been last updated: 07.06.2009 / 15:00 )
PRESS announcements by contributing GI Companies...
UK: [ 1spatial keynotes GI2009 ]
USA: [ GIScafe NEWS ]
GI2009-Symposium-GPS: [ 51°01'15.52"N, 13°43'44,78"E ]
ABSTRACTS for Papers, Posters, PC-Demos, Workshops
Europa-Woche/Week: 02.-10. Mai 2009
Europa-KMU/SME-Woche/Week: 06.-14. Mai 2009
"Konrad-ZUSE-Haus" (2.-10.Mai: Europawoche 2009 & 6.-14.Mai: EU-SME-Week) and 14./15. Mai: "Technical University" - "AgrarCAMPUS" - Bergstrasse 120, Hörsaal ZIN120 (GI2009-Symposium) und Raum ZIN025 (Workshops )
TITEL: EUROPA der REGIONEN im "Europäischen Jahr der Kreativität und Innovation" - Nachhaltigkeit der interregionalen Zusammenarbeit - ...
(The European Year of Creativity & Innovation - Sustainability of inter-regional Collaboration - ...)
[ Goals of the European Year ] of Creativity and Innovation: ... the objective to raise awareness of importance of creativity and innovation for personal, social and economic regional and cross-border development,
- to disseminate good practices...
- to stimulate education and research... and
- to promote policy debate and development...
The GI2009 in this European Year addressed a wide spectrum of related themes such as: EU projects, education and life-long-learning, ICT, PSI, SDI, X-GDI for sustainable development process, regional and local development strategies based on creative and innovative X-INSPIRE'd applications, re-use of Public Sector Information and openness of GEO-ENVIRO-SPATIO infrastructures for rural agriculture, forestry and water management in EUROPE of REGIONS.
[ EJKI2009 # EC Presseinfo DE # EC Press EN ]
[ GI2008 - 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum @ePSIplus-Server ]
- Dresden, 27.10.2008: GI2008-Symposium (May 2008) - presentations published (Announcement on ePSIplus-Server)
- GI2008-Download of Presentations delivered at the "8.Sächsisches GIS-Forum", Dresden 15./16. May 2008 (ca.96 MB)
- Dresden, 31.07.2008: GI2008-Download of Proceedings delivered at the "8.Sächsisches GIS-Forum", Dresden 15./16. Mai 2008 (ca. 6 MB)
- Berlin, 27.05.2008: GI2008-Report by "Vector1 Media"
[ GI2008-Symposium (inter-regional), DRESDEN <> 8. Sächsisches GIS-Forum, 15./16. Mai 2008 ]
- GI2008_FINAL_Version_Edited_20080731 (PDF, 6 MB)
- GI2008-Symposium-REPORT at "Vector1_Media"
- GI2008-Symposium-REPORT at "ePSIplus.net"
- GI2008-Symposium_Final_PROGRAMM
- GI2008_LOCATION @TUD-Agrar-CAMPUS (15.-16.05.2008)
- GI2008_INTERMAP_Pre-Workshop (NEXTMap-3D, 15.05.2008)
- GI2008-Symposium <> 8th Saxonian GIS-Forum (PSI-Awareness, INSPIRE-Education, NNR-Dissemination)
- FAA: BOWGIS @ GI2010 <> *17 Jahre* OpenGIS-basierte, postgraduale Weiterbildung ( vormals BOW - Bildungswerk Ost-West )
- FAA: BOWGIS - Akademische Weiterbildungskurse (BOW ist seit 2009 mit der FAA verschmolzen)
- POSITION-Flyer (english)
- POSITION-2008 (english)
- POSITION-2008: Proceedings of the 2nd International SatNav User Congress POSITION2008 Dresden, 07.-09. October 2008 Published by GZVB: ISBN 978-3-937655-18-5, Braunschweig: 2008, 355pp. (also available as CDROM)
[ The EU-FP6-NNR-Project-TEAM ]
2003-2007: The NNR Team and Participants at "Krimulda/Birini" Workshop ( LV )
[ EU-FP6-Project-NATURNET-Finale ]
- 23./24.10. -- SICILIA (Francavilla/Catania by STEPIM)
- 15./16.10. -- RIGA (Krimulda by IMCS/KLC)
- 10.10.2007 - PRAHA (by CAGI)
- 09.10.2007 - VYSOCINA (Jihlava by RegioGOV)
- 05.10.2007 - BOHEMIA-X-SAXONIA (Bad Schandau, NationalParkZentrum, GPS [+50°55'3.62"N;+14° 9'15.07"E]; organized by IGN)
- 01./02.10. -- CORSICA (Ajaccio by MITIC)
- 27.09.2007 - ESA-ESRIN (Frascati by CCSS)
[ The NN-Team @ FRANCAVILLA Workshop ]
24.10.2007: Final Workshop at Francavilla (Sicilia, IT)
- 30. November 2007: [ NNR-QRM-Garp3-VIDEO ] QT.mov, 22MB. This is a Quicktime-Video-Format from the REDIME part of NNR-Project demonstrating the modelling of expert knowledge on sustainability and simulating the behaviour of river ecosystems in different regions in Brazil and Europe. The Garp3 application has been developed by the REDIME project team managed by University of Amsterdam and demonstrated at GI2007-Symposium, the 7th Saxonian GIS-Forum event at 5th October 2007 in "NationalParkZentrum" Bad Schandau / Sachsen.
- 5. Oktober 2007: [ NNR-Tools at 7. Sächsisches GIS-Forum ] Bad Schandau, National-Park-Zentrum (Final NNR-X-IGN program).
- 11. September 2007: [ NATURNET-Content-NAVIGATOR ] This NCN-Tool has an Expert Knowledge Metainfo Database built-in working together with Open freeware search engine CDS-2, v2.1.1 (Actually, version 2.3.18 has been released in April 2008) - The NCN resources have been composed by IGN e.V. and presented at "7. Sächsisches GIS-Forum" - a dissemination & crossborder GI2007-Symposium, as FINAL NNR-X-IGN event, organized by IGN e.V.
- 22. Juni 2007 [ IGN-Presentation at BITOV2007 (CZ) ] - PPT (22 MB) - Sorry, the official URL is not yet available at CZ-CAGI website. Therefore, it has been included as lecture module into NATURNET-eLearning-Platform MOODLE.
- 21. Juni 2007: [ BITOV2007 (CZ) ] Spatial Planning & GIS
- [ IGN-Presentation at MIKULOV2007 (CZ) ] - PPT (18 MB) - Sorry, the official URL is not yet available at CZ-CAGI website. Therefore, it has been included as lecture module into NATURNET-eLearning-System MOODLE.
- 29. Mai 2007: [ MIKULOV2007 (CZ) ] 1st CZ National GIS-Congress
- 10. Mai 2007: [ X-border-GI2007-Symposium ] Presentation of NATURNET intermediate results at 6. Sächsische GIS-Forum, Dresden 10./11.05.2007, published at EU-PSI-Navigator project website for Public Sector Information.
[ EU-FP6-Project-NNR ( NaturNet+Redime ) ]
- IGN NATURNET-Symposium-REGISTRATION (DOC, 270 KB) - NationalParkZentrum, Bad Schandau, 5th October 2007 (10-17): Please, return this form back by EMAIL until October 1st, 2007 (Anmeldung bis zum 1. Oktober per Email ! )
- IGN NATURNET-Symposium-REGISTRATION (PDF, 44 KB) - NationalParkZentrum, Bad Schandau, 5th October 2007 (10-17): Please, return this form back by EMAIL until October 1st, 2007 (Anmeldung bis zum 1. Oktober per Email ! )
- IGN NATURNET Programm FINAL Dissemination SYMPOSIUM NationalParkZentrum, Bad Schandau, 5th October 2007 (10-17) Invitation & Programm ### Einladung & Programm (PDF, 63 KB) KONTAKT: Tel. +49-351-403.2729 ##### !!!! #######
- 2007: CZ-Portal-NATURNET-Server (Updated status: 20.12.2008)
- 2006: EU-X-GeoPortal-NNR (Limited Guest access is possible)
- 2005: NNR-Intern (FTP) (For NNR Partners only)
- 2005: NNR-Project (Open access)
- 2005: NNR WMS-KickOff-SERVER (since 2008 a new updated: CZ-HSRS-MapServer) was introduced.
- 2004: The two Projects "NaturNet+Redime" (NNR) had to be joined together... and the proposal had been re-written.
- 2003: EU-FP6-STREP Project proposal "NaturNet" was delivered to the European Commission.
- HSRS-MapClient-NATURNET (Prototyp) Developed by HelpServiceRemoteSensing (Benesov, CZ)
- HSRS-MapClient-NATURNET (KickOff)
- HSRS-MapClient-GEOLAB (Applications) Geoinformatics Laboratory at UJEP-Usti/Most (CZ)
- HSRS-GeoMIS-MICKA Prototype-Solution for Czech Enviro Agency CENIA
- NNR-GeoPortal-TOOLS *) are based on HSRS-WebMapViewer using the UMN-WMS. The NNR-Applications provided have been developed by HSRS-Benesov-CZ in close cooperation with CCSS-Praha ### ATTENTION: **) Actually, the NATURNET Servers have been re-located to CCSS and re-directed to WIRELESS servers !! Updated status info: 20.12.2008 !!!
- 1. NNR-GeoMIS-MICKA (CZ, EN, DE, FR, IT, LV) (Multilingual czech GeoCatalog)
- 2. NNR-GeoMIS-CC-MICKA-CZ (Czech GEOcatalog of GeoMIS-Network: actually used with 18 CZ & EU Servers)
- 3. NNR-Thesaurus-AGROVOC (guests)
- 4. NNR-WebProcessingService-TESTPORTAL (guests)
- 5. NNR-MapMan-Project-EDITOR (guests)
- 6. NNR-3D-Viewer (guests)
- 7. NNR-eLearning-ILIAS (inactive)
- 8. NNR-eLearning-MOODLE (closed)
- 9. NNR-Whiteboard-TEST (inactive)
(CC) BY-NC-SA/3.0
Geospatial SAXONY von IGN e.V. steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported Lizenz.
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