Important message: For teachers and pupils interested (excellent in English & German, as well as in Geography & Informatics, ...) of basic and secondary/high schools the symposium participation is free of charge - but registration form is needed in advance until 15.5. !
-- CZ-Participants only can use the payment procedure in CZK by providing additional information for Credit card INVOICE preparations: +++ Name of participant +++ E-mail address +++ Company ( if represent company ) +++ ID number of Company +++ VAT number of Company +++ Address +++ Amount for invoicing ( payment in CZK ) GI2011-Payment order send [ ] **************************************************** !!! The payment is due latest 15.05.2011 !!! **************************************************** NEXT IMPORTANT DEADLINES: **************************************************** 15.05.2011: FINAL DEADLINE - Presentation delivery (PPT) ! FINAL DEADLINE - Registration & service payment !! 23.05.2011: FINAL DEADLINE - Poster delivery (EXPO) !!! **************************************************** * OPEN CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS & POSTERS (CFP) * [ GI2011-X-SDI OPENCALL ] PDF, ca. 1,2 MB ! * [ ABSTRACT TEMPLATE ] DOC, ca. 63 KB ! * 31.03.2011: FINAL ABSTRACT DEADLINE * Abstract.doc to be sent: [ ] * [ SUMMARY TEMPLATE ] DOC, ca. 286 KB ! * 15.04.2011: FINAL SUMMARY DEADLINE * Summary.doc to be sent: [ ] **************************************************** Further logistics + touristics information links **************************************************** INFO CONTACTS: [ ] [ ] [ ] -- The X-border-REGIONS in Europe: [ AEBR-Members-MAP ] -- The X-border-NATIONALPARK-Region: [ Bohemia # Saxonia "Switzerland" ] -- The X-border-LABSKE-Piskovce: [ CZ ] [ DE ] [ EN ] [ EEL - Euregio ELBE/LABE ] [ Panorama-Photos ] [ Elbsandsteingebirge ] -- The X-border-TOURIST-Information-System: [ EN ] [CZ] [DE] [ Bad Schandau ] + [ Decin ] [ MAP-Schema ] + [ NP-VIDEOS ] -- Cross-border-TOURISM: [ Hamburg=(Bicycle Serie 4)=Prague ] [ Riverboat POSEIDON on Elbe/Labe ] -- The History of "Eger border treaty" 550 years ago: [ Bohemia # Saxonia border ] -- X-border-Historical & Interactive Maps: [ Click on the Historical Border Exposition ! ] -- X-border-Exhibition of INTERREG-Project in Euroregion Elbe/Labe (EEL): [ "GRENZRÄUME" ] [ EXHIBITION HRANICE1459 ] ####################################### Grenzüberschreitende Homogenisierung von Geobasisdaten zwischen dem Freistaat Sachsen und der Tschechischen Republik IOER - Aktuelles: [ X-Border-GDI/SDI-Symposium in Bad Schandau und Děčín ][ 23. Mai 2011 Vortrag über aktuelle Projektergebnisse (IÖR) ]